Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Oca is finished

A Community collaboration between the University of Iowa 3D Design Program and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Oca is an outside structure built using the tree branches from its natural environment and twine. Located along the Woodpecker Trail by the Squire Point, the idea is to provide the users of the park a space where they can enjoy nature, have a picnic comfortably and enjoy the view of the Iowa River, carefully framed by a window.

Now on nature's hands, the piece will have natural grapevines planted over it, having the forest blend with the constructed object.

The entrance to the Woodpecker Nature Trail is located at the West Overlook Rd NE, by the Funcrest Bait Shop. Please come visit.

Project Credits:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Park Ranger and Natural Resources Specialist - Jeffrey Peck
Design and Construction Leader: Monica Correia
Design and Construction Team: Monica Correia, Terry Rathje, Vinicius Lima, Maria Mandarim de Lacerda and Shu Wun Chan.
Coralville Reservoir Park staff: Marc, Ronnie and Jesus

Special thanks to all of those involved in the project and to the University of Iowa School of Art and Art History.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A summer project

School is out for the summer. But for the 3D Design program, this has been a very busy three-month period.

Right after returning from Istanbul where the 2011 edition of Design Plural occurred, another project started. Monica Correia, 3D Design Program Coordinator, had been working with the Park Ranger at the Coralville Reservoir Park (see map below). The project? Design an art/design intervention in the area for the users experiment this coming summer utilizing the raw materials from the park natural waste.

Many trees fall each day at the park, due to their age or any illnesses. The program then proposed a shelter-like structure to be built out of tree branches and twine only. In its inside, tree stumps will define a table set with four stools for users to have a picnic. The structure (seen under construction in the photos above) will be later covered with a natural grapevine from the park, creating an intimate space in the trail where it is. From inside the space, users are also going to be able to see the bit of water that surrounds the area from a window.

Along with Correia, Vinicius Lima and Terry Rathje (program alumni) and the current grads Maria Lacerda and Shu Wun Chan are helping build the space. If you are in the area, please stop by anytime to check out the progress. And make sure you see the finished space later this summer and enjoy it.

Interested in sponsoring a community project with the 3D Design Program? Please contact Monica Correia, 3D Design Program Coordinator at

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Friday, June 3, 2011

The Catalogues are on our hands!

500 copies of the catalogue were printed dor the exhibition. Designed by Vinicius Lima with assistance of Camille Marlow and Katie Nordquist,